Updated strongswan packages for squeeze-backports and wheezy-backports
fix the following vulnerabilities:

- CVE-2013-2944: When using the openssl plugin for ECDSA based
  authentication, an empty, zeroed or otherwise invalid signature is
  handled as a legitimate one.

- CVE-2013-6075: DoS vulnerability and potential authorization bypass
  triggered by a crafted ID_DER_ASN1_DN ID payload.

- CVE-2013-6076: DoS vulnerability triggered by crafted IKEv1
  fragmentation payloads.

The squeeze-backports distribution was affected by CVE-2013-2944 and
CVE-2013-6075. These problems have been fixed in version

The wheezy-backports distribution was affected by CVE-2013-6075 and
CVE-2013-6076. These problems have been fixed in version