bullseye-backports and buster-backports-sloppy started
From now on you can upload packages to those two distributions. Please ensure to follow the rules of those distributions (yes, that means you can't upload packages to bullseye-backports now that are not in testing ;))
stretch-backports discontinued
Following the rules oldstable backports was discontinued some time ago, but we never announced that offically. Please do not upload anything to oldstable backports.
security uploads
Announcing security updates didn't worked well in the past. We therefore decided to change the mechanism security announcements work. Every Debian contributor (DM/DD) can now send a signed mail to the debian-backports-announce mailinglist. Please follow the template when doing so. The contribution document also shows how to reserve a BSA by doing a merge request to the website.
new backports maintainers
I am happy to announce that Thorsten Glaser (tg) and Micha Lenk (micha) will join us a backports ftpmasters. They are not yet onboarded, but that will happen soon. Please give them a warm welcome.
updates for the website
If you have something to contribute for our webseite, feel free to create an issue or (even better) create a merge request against https://salsa.debian.org/backports-team/backports-website
Alex - backports ftpmaster
[1] https://backports.debian.org/Contribute/ [2] https://backports.debian.org/Instructions/ [3] https://backports.debian.org/Contribute/#index4h2